Pedro Henestroza

You just imagine

It'll be there

About me

I'm a front end engineer with a passion for fast-loading and dynamic websites.

Through responsive and animated design, I believe a boutique website can convey what you're all about and dazzle any potential customer.


let age = 31;

let languages = ['JavaScript', 'SASS', 'PHP', 'Java'];

let frameworks = ['React', 'NextJS', 'Gatsby', 'Twig'];

let cms = ['AEM', 'Wordpress', 'Shopify', 'Tienda Nube'];

let tools = ['Git', 'Docker', 'FTP'];

let age = ;

let languages = ['JavaScript', 'SASS',

               'PHP', 'Java'];

let frameworks = ['React', 'NextJS',

               'Gatsby', 'Twig'];

let cms = ['AEM', 'Wordpress',

           'Shopify', 'Tienda Nube'];

let tools = ['Git', 'Docker', 'FTP'];

In touch